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That: louboutin replica a lot of very different character of the husband and wife, they get along very well. the contrary, some close or similar character, the husband and wife, husband and wife is not how good, or even often argue ... ... that is why facts tell us: How do couples get along, not that character is the same, similar or different. Between husband and wife but rather how to get along. Quite different if the character Christian Louboutin Babel 100 leather boots of the husband and wife, can do according to the following, we will certainly get along well. First of all, want to have a correct understanding of character, should respect each other's character. Character is shown by the regular things, the relatively stable tendency of reason and emotion, there is no better or worse. It is different louboutin boots$ from the character, the length of each different character. For example, many people impatient straightforward, easy to get along, but the good angry, hair on fire, maybe people can not stand. In contrast, the slower people, mostly affable, easy to get along, work stress quality, but slower. Extrovert is more lively and cheerful, but introverts are stable, deep. Second, Christian Louboutin Platform Pump their weaknesses, heterogeneous complementation; to take the initiative to accommodate the other party, in family life as much as possible to carry forward the strengths of both parties. For example, let a party to the home and good at communication; work but cautious party financial management. The couple's experiences, interests and temperament differences outlet christian louboutin may be called Impatient with impatient, chronic with chronic, although the same character, but Naoqi contradiction, the former could eventually In contrast, chronic impatient match if they can pay attention to complement each other, tend to hardness and softness, acute phase and slow, static affordable, and thus complement each other. person's character christian louboutin discount is not never changed. Both husband and wife should pay attention to gradually overcome their shortcomings. For example, hasty temper, and to overcome their impatience intentions, work to calm some; temper too slow, work should pay attention to speed. It.
Par cl123 le samedi 09 avril 2011


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